Retirement of HomeLab's main server?

by Tudor
2 minutes
Retirement of HomeLab's main server?

This system was the first low-power server I built, and its purpose for a very long time was to keep the essential structure of the HomeLab always on. Most of the time, I called him the "brain" of the network.

This was the main Proxmox node and was named "pve-master". It was the host of the main virtual machines in the network (Domain Controller, VPN Server, Web Server, SQL Server, Main Docker Host and Private Cloud Server), and through all these systems permanently functional on it, all other auxiliary systems were started and managed. The auxiliary components are all those elements that are not vital to the operation of the HomeLab and that are needed only in particular cases. Such elements are: other Proxmox nodes, virtual machines, backup servers, development machines, build machines, etc.

No! This server is not retired and will forever remain an important component of HomeLab, both in terms of functionality and significance. But its place will be taken by a new smaller system, with a lower energy consumption and a higher processing power. Minisforum is his brand and his whole story will be presented in a future post.

The need for this change appeared because the HomeLab is in a continuous expansion. From one month to another, new applications and services are hosted by it, and the need for resources with a low energy cost keeps growing.

The plan for the future with this server is to move it to the area of auxiliary components and start having moments of rest after all these years of work. Periodically, it will be started and used on command because, most likely, it will host a Kasm environment.

This old pve-master will appear again in future stories and images, with a new name and scope, but with the same "hand-made" appearance.