{ "DATE": "{{date,intlDate}}", "LONG_DATE": "{{date,intlLongDate}}", "DATE_FORMAT": "{{date, format}}", "TIME_FROM_X": "{{date,intlTimeFromX}}", "H_FROM_X": "{{date,intlHoursFromX}}", "H_FROM_M": "{{number,intlHoursFromMinutes}}", "NUMBER": "{{number,intlNumber}}", "DECIMAL": "{{number,intlDecimal}}", "DECIMAL2": "{{number,intlDecimal2}}", "Global": { "InDevelopment": "In development..." }, "Language": { "English": "English", "Romanian": "Romanian" }, "Menu": { "Home": "Home", "Sessions": "Sessions", "ReleaseNotes": "Release notes", "Log": "Log", "About": "About" }, "General": { "Close": "Close", "Send": "Send", "Advanced": "Advanced", "Enabled": "Enabled" }, "Session": { "Title": "Sessions", "Session": "Session", "Active": "Active", "StartDate": "Start date", "StopDate": "Stop date", "RunningTime": "Running time", "Host": "Host", "LogRows": "Log rows", "LogSize": "Log size", "Forwards": { "Title": "Forwards" } }, "Forward": { "Title": "Forward {{forwardId}}", "Label": "Forward", "Subtitle": "from {{from}} to {{to}}", "From": "From", "To": "To", "Protocols": "Protocols", "Options": { "Title": "Options", "Name": "Name", "Active": "Active", "TrailingSlash": { "Label": "Trailing slash", "Tooltip": "A trailing slash is the forward slash placed at the end of a URL. The trailing slash is generally used to mark a directory, and if a URL is not terminated using a trailing slash, this generally points to a file." }, "PathOverwrite": { "Label": "Path overwrite", "Tooltip": "Option by which the base path of the application is automatically overwritten in all http text responses received from it." }, "PathInjection": { "Label": "Path injection", "Tooltip": "PathInjection is useful for applications that doesn't have a configuration for base path. With this option, the reverse proxy server will try to inject the base path in each link from each reasponse content.", "Mode": "Mode" }, "KeyOverwrite": { "Label": "Key overwrite", "Details": "Keys", "Tooltip": "KeyOverwrite can be used to replace any key from all http responses of a forward.", "Origin": "Origin", "Substitute": "Substitute", "Conditions": "Conditions" }, "Exceptions": { "Label": "Exceptions", "Definition": "Exceptions are used to inform the system to not replace the key in some sequences.", "Keys": "Keys", "Match": "Match" }, "ChangePoints": { "Label": "Change points", "Definition": "Change points are combinations of html tags and attributes that are used by system to identify elements from http content and replace the key in theirs content with respect for exceptions.", "HtmlTag": "Html tag", "Attribute": "Attribute" } } }, "ReleaseNotes": { "Title": "Release notes", "Version": "Version" }, "Server": { "Title": "Server", "Subtitle": "Expand to see details", "Thoughts": "This reverse proxy is the only open gate to a secret creation land. There any impulse or thought can fly free and can be materialized without limits. If you don't believe it, ask the ", "Wizard": "wizard", "ServerHostName": "Server host", "ApiHostName": "API host", "Domain": "Domain", "ActiveSession": "Active session", "ActiveSessionSubtitle": "Expand to see forwards", "DDNSProvider": "Dynamic DNS Provider", "Details": "Details" }, "Charts": { "Server": { "Sessions": { "RunningTime": { "Title": "Sessions running time", "Session": "Session", "X": "Running time" } } } }, "Chatbot": { "Wizard": { "Message1": "I'm the wizard.", "Message2": "I know everything about nothing. What do you want to ask me?", "Message3": "Please hurry. I don't have time to waste.", "Message5": "I don't have time for that. Ask me something serious.", "Message7": "I don't think I understand '{previousValue}'. You mean, like, flowers?", "Message9": "I think you're wasting my time. Farewell!" } }, "About": { "Title": "Overview", "Subtitle": "Expand to see details", "WhatIs": "What is a reverse proxy?", "CurrentSystem": "Current system", "Content1": "A reverse proxy is a server that accepts a request from a client, forwards the request to another one of many other servers and returns the results from the server that actually processed the request to the client as if the proxy server had processed the request itself.", "Content2": "A reverse proxy is a type of proxy server. Unlike a traditional proxy server, which is used to protect clients, a reverse proxy is used to protect servers.", "Content3": "The client only communicates directly with the reverse proxy server and it does not know that some other server actually processed its request.", "Content4": "This system is composed of three components, each with its well-defined purpose.", "ContentTitle": "More details about the concept", "Description": { "Server": "This component is the reverse proxy, without any additional functionality. It can be installed and used independently, without the other two components.", "Api": "This is a REST API that has the role of gathering the data generated by the server and serving it to the frontend component.", "Frontend": "This component is completely optional. Its sole purpose is to display various information about the activity and configurations of the server." }, "Actions": { "Documentation": "Documentation" }, "Technologies": { "Title": "Technologies", "Content": "This reverse proxy was built based on several technologies that were brought together as follows:" } }, "System": { "Components": { "Server": "Server:", "Api": "API:", "Frontend": "Frontend:" } } }