{ "DATE": "{{date,intlDate}}", "LONG_DATE": "{{date,intlLongDate}}", "DATE_FORMAT": "{{date, format}}", "TIME_FROM_X": "{{date,intlTimeFromX}}", "H_FROM_X": "{{date,intlHoursFromX}}", "H_FROM_M": "{{number,intlHoursFromMinutes}}", "NUMBER": "{{number,intlNumber}}", "DECIMAL": "{{number,intlDecimal}}", "DECIMAL2": "{{number,intlDecimal2}}", "Language": { "English": "English", "Romanian": "Romanian" }, "Menu": { "Home": "Home", "Sessions": "Sessions", "ReleaseNotes": "Release notes", "Log": "Log", "About": "About" }, "General": { "Close": "Close", "Send": "Send", "Advanced": "Advanced", "Enabled": "Enabled" }, "Session": { "Title": "Sessions", "Session": "Session", "Active": "Active", "StartDate": "Start date", "StopDate": "Stop date", "RunningTime": "Running time", "Host": "Host", "LogRows": "Log rows", "LogSize": "Log size", "Forwards": { "Title": "Forwards", "From": "From", "To": "To" } }, "Forward": { "Title": "Forward from {{from}} to {{to}}", "Options": { "Title": "Options", "Name": "Name", "Active": "Active", "TrailingSlash": { "Label": "Trailing slash", "Tooltip": "A trailing slash is the forward slash placed at the end of a URL. The trailing slash is generally used to mark a directory, and if a URL is not terminated using a trailing slash, this generally points to a file." }, "PathOverwrite": { "Label": "Path overwrite", "PathOverwriteTooltip": "Option by which the base path of the application is automatically overwritten in all http text responses received from it." }, "PathInjection": { "Label": "Path injection", "PathInjectionTooltip": "PathInjection is useful for applications that doesn't have a configuration for base path. With this option, the reverse proxy server will try to inject the base path in each link from each reasponse content." }, "KeyOverwrite": { "Label": "Key overwrite", "Tooltip": "KeyOverwrite can be used to replace any key from all http responses of a forward.", "Origin": "Origin", "Substitute": "Substitute" } } }, "ReleaseNotes": { "Title": "Release notes", "Version": "Version" }, "Server": { "Title": "Server", "Subtitle": "Expand to see details", "Thoughts": "This reverse proxy is the only open gate to a secret creation land. There any impulse or thought can fly free and can be materialized without limits. If you don't believe it, ask the ", "Wizard": "wizard", "ServerHostName": "Server host", "ApiHostName": "API host", "Domain": "Domain", "ActiveSession": "Active session", "ActiveSessionSubtitle": "Expand to see forwards", "DDNSProvider": "Dynamic DNS Provider", "Actions": { "SendMessageToAuthor": "Send message to author" }, "MessageForAuthor": "Message for author", "Details": "Details" }, "Charts": { "Server": { "Sessions": { "RunningTime": { "Title": "Sessions running time", "Session": "Session", "X": "Running time" } } } }, "Notifications": { "MessageSaved": "Message saved" }, "Chatbot": { "Wizard": { "Message1": "I'm the wizard.", "Message2": "I know everything about nothing. What do you want to ask me?", "Message3": "Please hurry. I don't have time to waste.", "Message5": "I don't have time for that. Ask me something serious.", "Message7": "I don't think I understand '{previousValue}'. You mean, like, flowers?", "Message9": "I think you're wasting my time. Farewell!" } } }