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<Date>2020-11-28 18:15</Date>
System initialization
Simple .net core 3.1 console application that serve as an REST API through witch a user can execute wake or shutdown commands on machines from his network.
Has been added Wake on LAN support and "wake" route in the API controller.
<Date>2020-11-29 22:14</Date>
New functionalities added
Added support for "ping" and "shutdown". Routes with the same names have also been added to the controller.
<Date>2020-12-20 23:00</Date>
Changes in the system structure
Replaced Swagger and MediatR implementations with inhouse nuget packages.
Integration with Tuitio.
<Date>2022-01-03 08:52</Date>
Added NetworkResurrector.Agent service
Upgrade all services to net5.0
NetworkResurrector.Agent is a service that will be installed on a host machine with the scope to execute operations like shutdown, restart, etc directly.
The system will be able to execute these operations in multiple ways. This is just the first one and all of them are handled by the NetworkResurrector.Api. For example, if the user wants to shutdown a clean Windows machine, he can use the agent and configure the API to call it, but in case of a proxmox machine, the API can be configured to execute a http request directly to the OS with the shutdown action (without the need for the agent).
<Date>2022-01-14 01:22</Date>
NetworkResurrector.Agent improvements
• Multiple operations were implemented in the agent: Shutdown, Restart, Sleep, LockLogout and Cancel. The "Cancel" action can cancel one of the previously operations programmed with a delay.
• Added NetworkResurrector.Agent.Wrapper nuget package. It provides an easy and efficient method for a developer to connect another system written in .NET to this agent.
<Date>2022-01-18 21:43</Date>
NetworkResurrector.Server.Wrapper nuget package
• Added NetworkResurrector.Server.Wrapper nuget package. It provides an easy and efficient method for a developer to connect another system written in .NET to NetworkResurrector.Server.
• Added logic where the http headers from the caller's request are automatically passed to the request sent to this server.
<Date>2022-06-19 08:18</Date>
Implemented Netmash.Infrastructure.DatabaseMigration
• Through this nuget package, support was added for the automatic running of new sql scripts at system startup.
• The current sql scripts have been corrected or updated to meet the migrator rules.
<Date>2022-11-30 23:21</Date>
Code cleanup and refactoring
• Preparing to make the project open source on my Gitea instance.
• Removed secrets from source code and from git history
• Exposing two new methods "/ping" and "/version" in a new controller "/system".
<Date>2023-01-29 00:31</Date>
Massive improvements
• .NET 6 upgrade
• Nuget packages upgrade
• Added Seq logging
• Added messaging and published notifications from command handlers
• Refactoring and code cleanup
• Added file
<Date>2023-02-02 19:03</Date>
Retouches after the last upgrade
• Nuget packages upgrade
• Small fixes
<Date>2023-02-04 11:14</Date>
Tuitio latest updates
• Tuitio nuget packages upgrade
• Tuitio configuration changes
• Many frontend developments
• Tuitio client NPM package integration: @flare/tuitio-react-client
• Added license file
• Login with enter key
<Date>2023-03-18 02:49</Date>
Tuitio latest changes
• Account logout method and the latest changes published by Tuitio were implemented
• Netmash.Security.Authentication.Tuitio nuget package upgrade
<Date>2023-03-19 14:56</Date>
Massive frontend developments
• Complete UI refactoring
• A complete menu has been added to the application.
• The theme and the switch between dark and light mode have been implemented.
• Axios upgrade.
• The ugly and useless stepper has been removed from the machines page.
<Date>2023-03-19 20:11</Date>
Frontend developments
• Added sensitive info toggle.
• Apply mask on sensitive information.
• Mask machine logs.
<Date>2023-03-19 23:14</Date>
Added user profile page
• The data on the page is extracted from the Tuitio token.
<Date>2023-03-25 02:26</Date>
Important developments in frontend
• Machines view modes
• New menu entries: About, Administration and System
• About page. It contains information about the system and the release notes.
• New methods have been added to the API for reading the system version and release notes.
• Release notes area
• Timeline area