if not exists (select top 1 1 from sys.objects where name = 'Bot' and type = 'U') begin create table Bot ( BotId uniqueidentifier constraint DF_Bot_BotId default newid() not null, BotCode varchar(100) not null, BotName varchar(255) not null, CreationDate datetime constraint DF_Bot_CreationDate default getdate(), constraint PK_Bot primary key (BotId) ) end go if not exists (select top 1 1 from sys.objects where name = 'BotSession' and type = 'U') begin create table BotSession ( SessionId uniqueidentifier constraint DF_BotSession_SessionId default newid() not null, StartDate datetime constraint DF_BotSession_StartDate default getdate(), BotId uniqueidentifier not null, ExternalId uniqueidentifier not null, ClientApplication varchar(100) not null, UserKey varchar(100) not null, constraint PK_BotSession primary key (SessionId), constraint FK_BotSession_Bot foreign key (BotId) references Bot(BotId) ) end go if not exists (select top 1 1 from sys.objects where name = 'Chat' and type = 'U') begin create table Chat ( ChatId uniqueidentifier constraint DF_Chat_ChatId default newid() not null, SessionId uniqueidentifier not null, StartDate datetime constraint DF_Chat_StartDate default getdate(), StopDate datetime, constraint PK_Chat primary key (ChatId), constraint FK_Chat_BotSession foreign key (SessionId) references BotSession(SessionId) ) end go if not exists (select top 1 1 from sys.objects where name = 'MessageSource' and type = 'U') begin create table MessageSource ( MessageSourceId int not null, MessageSourceCode varchar(20) not null, MessageSourceName varchar(100) not null, constraint PK_MessageSource primary key (MessageSourceId) ) end go if not exists (select top 1 1 from sys.objects where name = 'ChatMessage' and type = 'U') begin create table ChatMessage ( MessageId int identity(0, 1), ChatId uniqueidentifier not null, MessageSourceId int not null, MessageDate datetime constraint DF_ChatMessage_MessageDate default getdate(), MessageContent varchar(max) constraint PK_ChatMessage primary key (MessageId), constraint FK_ChatMessage_Chat foreign key (ChatId) references Chat(ChatId), constraint FK_ChatMessage_MessageSource foreign key (MessageSourceId) references MessageSource(MessageSourceId) ) end go