import { renderHook, act } from "@testing-library/react-hooks"; import { useLink } from "../src"; describe("useLink", () => { it("should create a link element in the document head", () => { const href = ""; const rel = "stylesheet"; renderHook(() => useLink(href, rel)); const linkElement = document.querySelector(`link[href="${href}"][rel="${rel}"]`); expect(linkElement).not.toBeNull(); }); it("should remove the link element from the document head when unmounted", () => { const href = ""; const rel = "stylesheet"; const { unmount } = renderHook(() => useLink(href, rel)); const linkElement = document.querySelector(`link[href="${href}"][rel="${rel}"]`); expect(linkElement).not.toBeNull(); act(() => { unmount(); }); const removedLinkElement = document.querySelector(`link[href="${href}"][rel="${rel}"]`); expect(removedLinkElement).toBeNull(); }); });